Board of Trustee Nomination
We seek exceptional candidates with a passion for our cause, a commitment to action, and a willingness to lend skills, experience and personal support to ensure we achieve our vision and mission. Board member diversity is important to us. Ideally, the composition of our Board reflects the rich diversity of the people of Alberta. While we seek to attract the competencies we require to succeed, we also strive to be inclusive—providing a level playing field for those interested in contributing.
The Role of the Board
Trustees provide strategic direction and guidance in raising awareness, understanding, and funds for impactful mental health and addiction support services in Alberta. The MHF Board includes up to 18 voting Trustees as well as ex-officio members from Alberta Health Services. We are the primary fundraiser for mental health and addiction programs and services across the province.
Time Commitment
Trustees serve three-year terms, with the option of two renewal terms. Trustees are expected to attend four to five, 2.5-hour-long Board meetings annually and participate on at least one committee. Committees meet quarterly for about 2 hours. While our business office is in Edmonton, meetings can be in person, by phone or virtually so location will not affect participation.
In addition to meetings, Trustees are asked to participate in fundraising events throughout the year. A Trustee can expect to spend between 50 and 100 hours a year on Board-related activities.
Giving and Fundraising Expectations
The MHF’s mission is to raise funds, promote the impact and outcomes donations achieve for Albertans, and convey thanks to our donors, sponsors and partners for all they make possible. All Trustees are expected to help raise funds for the Foundation by attending events, engaging their connections, introducing potential new donors to our efforts, helping us thank current donors and personally contributing financially. As our core purpose is fundraising and we ask others to give to the Foundation, Trustees model the way. We have set a goal of 100% philanthropic participation for all Board and staff members with giving amounts variable based on individual circumstances.
Recruitment Process
To apply for a position on our Board of Trustees, please provide the following:
A resume or CV
A cover letter providing personal insights including:
- Your location and the geographic area
- A self-assessment of any personal contributions or circumstances you feel would support Board diversity
- Your connection and commitment to the cause of mental health and addictions
- Any other information illustrating the value you have to offer
Shortlisted candidates may be asked to complete a skills checklist to identify the skills, competencies and experience they would bring to the Board.
Based on the profiles of current Trustees and issues of the day, there may be specific skills the MHF seeks to add to our Board. Areas of interest include: Business Acumen; Marketing & Communications; Professional Leadership; Accounting & Finance; and Non-Profit & Governance experience.
A competitive selection process is used to assess Trustee candidate qualifications. The Governance Committee of the Board leads the process, assesses candidates alignment with the recruitment strategy, and makes recommendations to the Board.
Candidates may be asked to meet with Board representatives to explore fit and clarify expectations. A shortlist of recommended candidates is presented to the MHF Board for review and approval prior to being forwarded to Alberta Health Services where, with endorsement, they are then advanced to Alberta Health for Ministerial approval.
Candidates will receive regular updates on the status of their application and the timeline for next steps and decisions. An onboarding process will be arranged for all new Trustees at which time committee and volunteer commitments for the coming year will be confirmed.
Unsuccessful Candidates
The MHF values all applicants. Those who are not selected for Trustee positions on the Board will be contacted by the Chair of the Governance Committee.
Those interested in the cause of mental health and addictions may wish to participate in other volunteer activities to demonstrate their commitment and enhance their understanding of our organization.
Next Steps
If you’re looking for meaningful volunteer work and want to make a difference in the area of mental health and addictions, we want to hear from you. Please contact Darren Lunt, President & CEO, Mental Health Foundation to discuss next steps.